Jeff Roaderick, a veteran operations professional, is embarking on a new journey by transitioning from managing various departments such as finance, human resources, marketing, IT, facilities, and customer service to a hands-on role as a storage shed builder. His venture, Mile High Sheds, aims to cater to the growing demand for storage solutions in the United States.
With the nation experiencing a trend towards smaller living spaces and accumulating more gear and belongings, the need for additional storage has become increasingly vital for individuals. The storage industry is projected to expand significantly, with estimates indicating a growth from $52 billion in 2023 to $85 billion by 2027. Traditional storage facilities often come with monthly costs ranging from $70 to $300, compounded by expenses such as transportation. Jeff Roaderick emphasizes the cost-effectiveness and convenience of backyard storage sheds as a solution to these challenges.
According to Jeff, "One way to save on monthly storage costs is through a backyard storage shed. It offers convenience and a range of options to meet specific storage needs. Customers can personalize their sheds with choices of colors, shutters, flower boxes, and more." In addition to offering cost-effective solutions, Mile High Sheds prioritizes customer service excellence. Recognizing the lingering effects of the pandemic on service industries, Jeff aims to fill the gap by providing a personalized and collaborative experience for customers. As Jeff emphasizes, "Mile High Sheds is committed to delivering a quality, personalized experience, tailored to each customer's unique needs. When you contact Mile High Sheds, you'll be speaking directly with me."
Jeff sees this venture as an opportunity to simplify his life and return to his entrepreneurial roots. For more information about Mile High Sheds and its offerings, visit
For any further inquiries or interview requests, please contact Jeff at (720) 734-8686.